សម្រាប់គ្រូ For Teachers


Vocabulary Part
Lingro is one of the useful websites to learn the vocabulary. You can copy the link of news and paste in 1. Then news will pop up in Lingro. Now, you double-click any difficult words and get the definition. You also can upload other pdf files or text into Lingro, in which help to read the text conveniently. Please explore it more. (Go to lingro)

Listening Part
Explore the below websites and share a listening activity, including pre-, during, and post-listening exercises. Link any resources that you use.
Websites from Lecture: • Voice of America: http://www.voanews.com • American English: Sing Out Loud o Children's songs: https://americanenglish.state.gov/…/sing-out-loud-childrens… o Traditional songs: https://americanenglish.state.gov/…/sing-out-loudtraditiona… • EFL listening websites: o ESL Lab: http://www.esl-lab.com o ESL Lounge: http://www.esl-lounge.com o Many Things: http://www.manythings.org • TEDx ed: https://www.ted.com/watch/ted-ed • YouTube: https://www.youtube.com

Additional Websites: • NBC: http://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news • ABC:http://abcnews.go.com/Video • CBS: http://www.cbsnews.com • PBS Kids:http://pbskids.org/video • National Geographic:http://www.nationalgeographic.com
Teachers should introduce all the available tools for writing to their students because they are useful to their writing development. Prof. Cotos advises teachers to “explore and recommend tools that can help students write independently and collaboratively in the modalities that best fit their needs and purposes,” but they should use them critically. “Technologies should be very carefully selected, not offered to students just because they might be freely available. Teachers have to know why and how exactly they would implement certain writing tools in their writing classes. They should capitalize on technological strengths but, at the same time, be aware of the limitations of whatever writing technologies. If you think of Criterion, for example, this software provides automatic feedback on language errors. The feedback is not always accurate. Teachers then need to explain to their students how to make the best use of automated feedback instead of making all the corrections suggested by the computer.”
(Feedback from the course of Using Educational Technology in the English Language Classroom)
www.grammarly.com is the best site for grammar help. It comes with keyboards on the phone and adon on the chrome.

Three key aspects of writing that English teachers should know as mentioned in the lecture:
1. Register variation which refers to the fact that written language varies according to the social context, purpose, and audience.
2. Process orientation refers to the fact that writing requires multiple drafts.
3. Interpersonal function refers to the fact that writing builds identity and relationships.
Please write what you understand from the above aspects

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